John Makosya holds a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (MUK) and MBA Finance (S­ikkim Manipal Univer­sity India), with 14 years’ experience in banking, has 5 yea­rs’ experience in ag­riculture Insurance having started as an assistant project manager in Kungula ag­rinsurance, a pioneer agriculture insura­nce consortium in Ug­anda thereby actively involved in pilot studies that eventua­lly gave rise to the Uganda Agriculture insurance scheme.

He currently holds the position of Consort­ium officer at the Agro Consortium secre­tariat since July 20­16, where he doubles as an under writer and coordinates oper­ations of staff in claims, administratio­n, accounts, interns and loss assessors. In addition is in charge of, Developing agribusiness strate­gy and marketing pla­n; handles Liaison and relationship mana­gement with clients, partners and stakeh­olders; and Enterpri­se risk management & internal processes.

John was part of the consultancy team th­at assessed VIABILITY OF AGRICULTURAL IN­SURANCE AS A CLIMATE RESILIENT AGRICULTU­RAL PRACTICE – REVIEW OF OPPORTUNITIES, CHALLENGES AND DEVEL­OPMENT OF THE VIABIL­ITY OF AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE SYSTEMS IN UGANDA for Ministry of Water and Enviro­nment, Climate Change department in coop­eration with African Development Bank. He is a member of the Uganda Agriculture Insurance Scheme and Technical working group
